Cardiovascular surgery

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Cardiovascular surgery
Cardiovascular surgery
In the cardiovascular surgery department of the Republican Diagnostic Center, the treatment of cardiac diseases is carried out by professional cardio-surgeons in operating rooms equipped with the most innovative technological equipment with surgical methods that meet the requirements of the modern era.

In the department, congenital heart defects in children are treated with the newest pediatric invasive-cardiology interventions.

The department has the ability to provide 24-hour emergency cardiovascular services.

During the last 10 years, about 1000 cardiovascular operations have been performed in our hospital.

Ischemic heart disease

Ischemic heart disease is the most common cardiological pathology. Nourishing the heart
Ischemic heart disease, manifested by narrowing and blockages in the coronary arteries, is one of the most common causes of death. The main reasons for this rapid increase in coronary heart disease in the last 25 years are:

Our deteriorating diet (choosing fatty foods instead of heart-healthy foods)

Physical inactivity and stress caused by rapid urbanization and technology

Unhealthy lifestyle (Smoking, alcohol)

Such causes cause narrowing and blockages in the coronary arteries of the heart, which are eliminated by aorto-coronary bypass surgery.

Aorta - coronary bypass surgery

In order to treat the narrowing of the arteries feeding the heart, the operation to create vascular bridges between the main artery leaving the heart (aorta) and the lower part of the heart in its own vessels (coronary arteries) from the narrowing site is called "aorto-coronary bypass surgery". This operation usually requires "open heart surgery".

At this time, the heart and lungs are completely stopped, creating an opportunity for more comfortable work on the heart. Meanwhile, the blood and oxygen needs of the brain and other organs are provided by an artificial "heart-lung" device outside the body.

Acquired heart defects

Acquired heart defects are non-congenital, acquired heart diseases. The most common of these diseases are lid diseases.

Heart valve disease

There are 4 valves in the heart that regulate the direction of blood flow. Due to various reasons (rheumatism, age-related calcification, damage due to infections), the function of the valves is disturbed. Narrowings or defects develop in the flaps. The most frequently damaged are the aortic and mitral valves. In such cases, the non-functioning valves are removed and replaced with an "artificial heart valve". Heart valves are replaced with a mechanical or biological valve (prosthesis). A mechanical valve is more durable, but requires life-long blood thinners.
The biological valve has a shorter lifespan (10-15 years), but does not require the use of blood thinners. This operation also requires open heart surgery, just like bypass surgery.

Congenital heart defects

Developmental disorders caused by various reasons during intrauterine development. These disorders include defects (holes) in the atria or interventricular wall of the heart, anomalies in the vessels entering or leaving the heart, anomalies causing narrowness or failure of the heart valves, anomalies in the coronary arteries, developmental disorders of the ventricles or atria, or some of the above-mentioned defects It can be in the form of cardiac developmental disorders.

There are hundreds of different forms of congenital heart disease. Some of these diseases can be mild, some moderate, and some very severe and complex. These defects are also removed by open heart surgery.

Cardiovascular surgery Doctors

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