
Qastroezofageal Reflüks nədir? en
Mədə möhtəviyyatının qida borusuna geri qayıtmasına Qastroezofageal  Reflüks (QERX) deyilir. Normalda mədədə olan qida və turşu, öd mayesi qida borusuna geriyə qayıtmaz. Bunun əsas səbəbi qida borusu ilə mədə arasındakı büzücü sfinkterin olmasıdır. Bu qida borusundan mədəyə qidanın keçəsinə icazə versədə mədədən qida borusuna geri qayıtmasını əngəl...
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Are you looking for comprehensive information on healthy living and the latest medical advancements? The medical blogs of the Republican Diagnostic Center are your go-to source for reliable and up-to-date health knowledge. Here, you will find practical advice on disease prevention, proper nutrition, the importance of physical activity, and more. Each article is crafted by experts, backed by scientific research, making them valuable for both general readers and healthcare professionals alike.

Our blogs cover a broad range of topics that extend beyond just treating illnesses. They provide insights into disease prevention and ways to improve overall well-being. From the latest global medical developments to common health issues that people may face, you will find a wealth of information here. Our articles are filled with practical tips and daily life applications that can help you maintain and enhance your health, as well as prevent various conditions.

At the Republican Diagnostic Center, our goal is to help you maintain your health at the highest level and keep you informed with the latest updates. By regularly following our blogs, you can stay ahead with all the essential health news and recommendations that are crucial for your well-being.